Chabad of Efrat English Division was founded by Rabbi Shloime & Kiki Newman in 2018 with the guidance and blessing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. It is nurtured and supported by concerned members of Efrat & Gush Etzion. Chabad is dedicated to the strengthening of our connection to our Soul, principles, identity, commitment and pride.
Our Mission Statement
The Chabad English Division of Efrat is a space for personal growth and spiritual transformation through the rich teachings of the inner dimension of Torah. Chabad English Division provides a welcoming atmosphere for people of all backgrounds to experience the deeply intellectual and emotional experiences of Chassidic Judaism brought to life in a vibrant and joyous setting.
By combining the deep teachings of the Torah with community events, Torah classes, children's programs, and more, we strive to communicate the inner meaning of Jewish tradition through joy, love and vitality.
On the Horizon
Thanks to G‑d's infinite blessings and the generous support and involvement of members of the community, Chabad of Efrat has grown rapidly during these years and is getting ready to embark on a new, exciting project: The establishment of a campus & center for its activities. The Center will G-D Willing house a shul, Teen Lounge, Children's Day Camp & Kids Club, Jewish Library, New-Mothers Center and Social hall. It's doors will always be open to every single Jew, regardless of their affiliation and background or lack thereof.
Other programs by Chabad:
- Gan Israel Children's Day Camp
- Holiday Awareness Programs
- Crisis Intervention & Counseling
- Mitzvah Campaigns
- Weekly Shabbat Prayers, Kiddush & Children's Service
- Adult Education
- Community Events
- Family Events
- Meals for new mothers & those in need.
All of the programs of Chabad of Efrat are open to all people, regardless of race, color, religion or national origin