Men's Weekly Classes

Weekly Mens Shiur: Advanced Chassidus. Plummet the depths of the teachings of the Alter Rebbe in the merit of the safety of the Soldiers, Am Yisrael & Eretz Yisrael. Monday Nights | 9PM 



Women's Weekly Classes


Contact us at [email protected] to for more details about Shiurim.
Use this link to sponsor a class.


More Classes:

Tuesday:   8:15 AM Halacha Shiur After Shacharis  at Reishit Digancha Shul -9 Haomer (Dagan) 

Wednesday:  8:15 am |  Tanya Shiur for men at Reishit Digancha Shul(Dagan) 

Wednesday :Coffee & Kabbalah for women 10:30 am at Siftach Coffee Shop entrance to Dagan

 Shabbos:  - 8:15 am Chassidus before Daveningat Chabad 29/1 Haomer, Dagan

 Shabbos: :  Women's Chassidut Shiur in the Dagan 3PM Winter| 4PM Summer- Call for location

*More info about Shabbos events and Minyan can be found here.

** To schedule a Chavrusa with the Rabbi or Rebbetzin email [email protected]